How To Change Your TREJJ VPN Location

By default, your VPN router connects randomly to the nearest and least congested server each time you start a new session. Which means you could be in the UK right now, and somewhere in Africa the next time you restart. 

For most users, this is the perfect setting for advanced anonymity. For others however, their online activity requires that they remain in a singular location. This article explains how you can change your TREJJ VPN router location to a specific location of your choice which the router will remain in, each time a new session is started.



Login to your TREJJ account at: Login - TREJJCOMMS

STEP 2: Goto Your Services, Click View Details to expand the particular service you want change its location.



STEP 3 : Scroll down to manage service. Pick Your Desired Location From The Drop Down And Click Update IP Location



Reboot Your Router & Enjoy!. (Power OFF using the power button, wait for 1 minute, then power back ON)

Once rebooted and reconnected, you can head out to to verify that your location change has been effected.


If you have any additional questions or concerns, please raise a ticket.

  • VPN Router, TREJJ VPN
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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